Friday, March 9, 2012

All coloured up.....where's the Ganges

The green of childhood, the pink of youth
added the brown of the woman of the world,
The blue of the intelligent woman,
The grey of the undecided heart
Some pure white hidden somewhere in the grey
Added a dash of the purple of determined decision
Some golden of the glittering dreams of every woman
Some red from the past bleeding heart now clotted black
Again some purple of decision
Now all I see is black in the mirror
Trying to wash it off drenches my entire being with the overflowing black
Trying to hold on to the shining white at times sticking out from within
The white gets tainted.
And the new found coat of inncocent yellow is under the threat of turning all black
gradually from the seepage and surfacing and mingling of the deep ancient layers of black

Only way out is to close the eyes, take a deep breath and stay emeregd in quiet cool waters for moments, hours or even years till every colour is washed off
Till everything is so white that even the faintest of innocent yellow will stand out and stay there.

But where is that Ganges.... ?


Ramesh Sood said...

Oh, the ganges being looked for flows deep inside us...only we have to let it meander through the spaces inside covered by the layers of black to wash it off and also through those that have remained untouched...ganges of bright thoughts..

Thanks RM..I am happy to see you writing and also for the feedback on my page..

Jyoti Mishra said...

Its a colorful post :)
loved the way u concluded..
a self-question and a beautiful answer to that.

Unknown said...

Awesome post....i like last 2 lines

Unknown said...

Awesome post....i like last 2 lines

You are winning

You think you have me just where you wanted  That you, through your consistent coldness, have successfully trained me to give you space  If ...