Once I had written
"We can walk in herds and end up in slaughter houses, without knowing why we exist. Just serving to a tasty, accepted palate.
Or we can walk as individuals, WITHOUT BEING APOLOGETIC ABOUT WHAT WE ARE.
Not afraid to say and be what we want to be.
Time to fight the emotional slavery."
Now I have a self question......
I am in love..... I may need to camouflage somewhat to let my inner self not be disturbed.
I will need to come out of love to be what I am and not use any camouflage.
They say true love never wants to change you.... But I will need to use a false persona like a false roof to shield myself from the other people, other than Him, who will walk into my life with the next step.
If I want to stay true to my own words I will have to leave everything and come out and be a Nomad once again....but I daresay I can continue to be the person who wrote the earlier article when I become a Nomad again.......
What is a bigger misdeed, what will be more regret fueling, to have touched the dream and see it wilt (if so happens) or not to ever touch it, keep it in the pages of life to open on some lonely evening and smile at the memory of tears and sob cry my heart out at the memory of the laughs we had together.
What will be more criminal, to blame him for the death of my dreams (if so) or to leave him just when we were about to reach the shore where we would have met and united for fear of a bitter aftermath.
What goes through a river's mind..... she flows all her path to meet the sea, does she change her course just before touching the sea for the fear of loosing herself and the fear of other entities that will engulf her besides the sea....or does she carry on with the anticipation of the satisfaction of at last embracing the sea.
What is more rewarding.... to embrace the sea.. or to take a u-turn and be able to see the sea retain it's apparent blueness forever, never dirtied by the brown of silt and mud and pollution.
Why has God made me a woman and not a river and him a man not a sea... to act unlike the river and the sea...? Is that what God wants ?... Or does he show this beauty of the meeting of sea and river just to urge me to go down all the way and meet him.
Does not the river come out again and find herself again after meeting the sea.... as clouds.... cleaned, purged, with the summer Sun of truth.... does it not go all the way to the land...to revitalize, to satiate, to enrich and come back to the sea.....
But again God made me a Woman not a river....? What's the message.... ?
"We can walk in herds and end up in slaughter houses, without knowing why we exist. Just serving to a tasty, accepted palate.
Or we can walk as individuals, WITHOUT BEING APOLOGETIC ABOUT WHAT WE ARE.
Not afraid to say and be what we want to be.
Time to fight the emotional slavery."
Now I have a self question......
I am in love..... I may need to camouflage somewhat to let my inner self not be disturbed.
I will need to come out of love to be what I am and not use any camouflage.
They say true love never wants to change you.... But I will need to use a false persona like a false roof to shield myself from the other people, other than Him, who will walk into my life with the next step.
If I want to stay true to my own words I will have to leave everything and come out and be a Nomad once again....but I daresay I can continue to be the person who wrote the earlier article when I become a Nomad again.......
What is a bigger misdeed, what will be more regret fueling, to have touched the dream and see it wilt (if so happens) or not to ever touch it, keep it in the pages of life to open on some lonely evening and smile at the memory of tears and sob cry my heart out at the memory of the laughs we had together.
What will be more criminal, to blame him for the death of my dreams (if so) or to leave him just when we were about to reach the shore where we would have met and united for fear of a bitter aftermath.
What goes through a river's mind..... she flows all her path to meet the sea, does she change her course just before touching the sea for the fear of loosing herself and the fear of other entities that will engulf her besides the sea....or does she carry on with the anticipation of the satisfaction of at last embracing the sea.
What is more rewarding.... to embrace the sea.. or to take a u-turn and be able to see the sea retain it's apparent blueness forever, never dirtied by the brown of silt and mud and pollution.
Why has God made me a woman and not a river and him a man not a sea... to act unlike the river and the sea...? Is that what God wants ?... Or does he show this beauty of the meeting of sea and river just to urge me to go down all the way and meet him.
Does not the river come out again and find herself again after meeting the sea.... as clouds.... cleaned, purged, with the summer Sun of truth.... does it not go all the way to the land...to revitalize, to satiate, to enrich and come back to the sea.....
But again God made me a Woman not a river....? What's the message.... ?
Very intense. Very well written..
When we talk of river then we know it doesn't question.. and keeps flowing..accepting its destiny leaving it to nature and her magic. If we wish to learn from sea or river then let us be like them.. The moment river meets the sea it loses its identity.. and if one has to use the analogy then if river is human then Sea is God.. Does one whom one loves expect to be considered as God by asking one to dilute one's own identity..Won't that be unfair..
Keep flowing, keep glowing...keep growing..
Have a look at this post RM..
What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else
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