Sunday, August 1, 2010

Let me love n stay quiet about it

Liberated I want to be, just let me be
To love n stay quiet about it, please let me
I tried touching my dreams with my fingers once
Only broken pieces of a beautiful picture were left with me

I don't expect a confirmation or reassurance
Neither can I give it
Let me love the way I love it
Cause love is what I love and by your definition I mean it

I remember the time as a teen
I was in love with the idea of being in love
Want to be able to reach that state of bliss up above
When,not the person, its own means and end is itself, only love


Beyond Horizon said...

yes 1 needs d freedom....really good thoughtful expressions

but sensed sum sadness behind d words...why so???

R! said...

"Where the end and the means both are love..."
A more beautiful thought is not possible. You might end up getting hurt, but the love will stay and heal you in the course of time.
Tk care..

Rashmirekha Manna said...

@Beyond Horizon: Dear it's not exactly's ..... ummm I don't have words. Sometimes it feels like you want something...but you are not sure whether you are right in wanting it...or if you have the right to want it. You just want it to be decided for you.

And yes thanks dear...for being so thoughtful

@Richa: Thanks dear. You too take care.... and it seems you are taking care going by the mood in your poems ;)

You are winning

You think you have me just where you wanted  That you, through your consistent coldness, have successfully trained me to give you space  If ...