Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Love me when I deserve

I can take love only as love
You may say it is not alms
You may say it is not pity
But try saying that to a broke whom you've gifted a blanket
and who has no one in the city

It feels like being a mirror
to reflect greatness
It feels being a carcass and
still being treated like an exotic breed
in the perception of the admirer there seems to be an error

I can't call it something I deserve
I understand the language where
I eat only when I can pay
I chose to die of chill can't die in the blanket of generosity
It's only a dried flower whose fragrance you so preserve

I will exercise my right to choose
The day I am on my feet again
The day I can face the sun and smile and say
There are no more shadows shackling me
I can be the fountain of joy, with the streams of happiness let loose


Anonymous said...

Amen!!! May you get what you want.

Beyond Horizon said...

oh dis is much depth in ur words
n u deserve a lot..... :)

R! said...

I differ... I say:
Love me, not when i need you to love me, but when u want to love me. Coz that love will be there to stay.

Nonetheless, the words u wrote painted a beautiful picture. Stay on ur stance and you shall get all u deserve. Amen!

Ramesh Sood said...

Why are you waiting girl.. what has happened to your feet..lets say you are nor sure about feet.. but what has happened to the wings.. haven't you already taken the flight.. and shadows.. visit my page somewhere I have written interesting thing about shadows.. you are already a stream of joy..else you won't be able to write this..

Rashmirekha Manna said...

@ Anonymous: Thanks a lot :)
@Beyond horizon: Thanks. I write for this tonic you provide me :)
@ Richie: Thanks... but you know I will never touch anything undeserved or unearned
@ Richa : Thanks Richa... Dear I don't say love me when I need you to. I say love me when I would have earned it. It's important for me to have earned it.. then both the souls would have equal stakes... if I let him love me when he wants me to then I would be giving him something unearned, and things unearned lose their value, in fact they are seldom evaluated fully.

@Ramesh Sir: I have written this ... it is a flight of mind... the strength will take some time to reach my actions. Yes I have taken a flight but could not complete it. Fell back. Need some more time. I know I am trying to heal my wings through my own words and the support of you people. Love is the greatest nectar and the deadliest poison....I am just trying out its various degrees to counter itself and make my wings come alive. Thanks for reaffirming my belief in myself. I may be the stream of joy in these moments in the beautiful world of words... but I still need to go a long way.


Don’t ever try to become somebody else’s dream. That is when you lose the freedom to shape your life your own way. It is way more rewarding ...